Temple Run developed and published by Imangi Studios, produced, designed and programmed by husband and wife team Keith Shepherd and Natalia Luckyanova, a religiously biased game ? The game which is inspired from the Indiana Jones golden-idol scene and the continues the same to infinity. So what might be the etymology behind the game name Temple Run ? Though the game has been download in millions all over the world, the ONE big question which haunts is that why is it named as Temple Run and not as Church Run or Mosque Run ?
Possible Reason :
Inspiration from the Title : Indiana Jones ? Indiana+Jones = Indiana Jones or India+Jones = Indiana Jones ?, If it is India + Jones, then it is very obvious that the country India is very synonymous with religion and temples extensively. The place of worship for Hindus is called Temple. So may be all things put together, the game has been named as Temple Run and not as Mosque Run or Church Run.
Question to Keith Shepherd and Natalia Luckyanova - Why is the game named as Temple Run and not as Church Run, Mosque Run or any other RUN?
Temple Run : iOS, Android, Amazon
Temple Run 2 : iOS, Android, Amazon
It's not a religion basied game ...the founder of this game Keith Sheppard and Natalia ..they were proudly Christian...this game Just inspired from Indiana Jones movies ...inthat movie Indiana Jones stolen treasure from Temple and run ....that's why