Mar 3, 2015

How to become Ambidextrous: Easy Untold Ways

After reading all the online publications on How to become ambidextrous, you still would have not hit the nail of writing using both your hands.  Everyone would have read the benefits and cons of being ambidextrous. Here is something that I would like to share with everyone who is trying to be ambidextrous.

Initially, I started off with my non-dominant hand and still I am, to get the perfect the cursive writing just like my dominant hand.  Like all other tips, I started to use my non-dominant hand more and more, like

- tossing coins with both the hands and catching them.  In the initial stages, the levels of concentration on each coin were different. I could only concentrate on one single coin. Then with practice, I could catch both the coins with much ease.  This may resemble juggling. Yes of course it is.

- The non-dominant hand would have not made enough connections with your brain and to make them possible, I started practising carom with my non-dominant hand.  That gave me the required energy to apply to the pen/pencil.

- The most advised one – moving your mouse to the non-dominant side. I personally preferred not to use a left-handed mouse, as I believed, I needed control over my fingers. At the start, it was hard for right clicks and left clicks. Now I can do it with much ease. I just not stopped with using my non-dominant hand’s middle finger and my index finger; I also equally used my ring finger and the pinkie.

- Also tried mirror writing but was not comfortable, as I have already trained my brain for writing better with my non-dominant hand.

Ambidextrous Writing: 

Ambidextrous Initial Training

After I got hold of my non-dominant handwriting, the next thing I started was to write with both my hands.  I understood the concentration is more on the dominant side. So I started to focus more on the non-dominant side.  Also understood that focusing on the non-dominant side, the regular style of my writing with the dominant hand differed. Still, I focused and still I am.

- The next problem I encountered was that all this time I was writing the same words with my both hands. I am in the process of writing different words with my dominant and non-dominant hand.

The regular practices and training required to write with your left hand when you are right-handed.

- Practice regularly no matter what happens. It will pay off. Believe me. Also sharing some writing pics.
- Keep a record of all your writings to make sure that you improvise seeing your old records.

How to become Ambidextrous
How to become Ambidextrous

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