Apr 9, 2020

Love will not find its way. It will find YOU!

Love will find its way, no matter what heaps upon!
And that said, there’s none to deny and wrong it.
The ways of love are magical and mystical
Extending to an observable universe.

Yet, we think low of it and who is to blame?
Definitely not the books of love and romance.
They are the ones who made us humane than we are.
Literature of the past, words of a romantic… such pleasure!

Literature of the present, shackled with laws and fanatics…
A mind of caste, a mind of money and a mind of gender.
What not, I wonder!
Everything is culpable, as it is projected by the media lunatics.

And there hangs a scythe to slaughter the minds
Of caste, money, gender and other kinds
Profanity, let it be or call it a sacrilege.
Let’s end all the damage with courage!

Let there be light after darkness.
Let there be no more honour killings.
Let there be no more religion and caste.
Let there be no more hatred.

Let love prevail. 
And love will not find its way. It will find YOU!


  1. Use of words or nice.i really love it
    U can equate the issues with something we averse
    If u can look into the line "Everything is culpable, as it is projected by the media lunatics" it will be good.i feel it is at odds with the whole flow

  2. As Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park says "Life finds a way", may the abundance that's love find you..😇


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