Onomatopoeia and Arbitrariness

Words are always one of the most mysterious things ever one has confronted and is also one of the hardest things to contemplate. Words are always circular. You cannot define a word without using another word – which means to define a word you need another word but from where did these come into existence?
Linguistics (the scientific study of human language) has fragmented words into two different things viz - Onomatopoeia and Arbitrariness.
Arbitrariness – Words are not in any way related to the form. For eg, the word STONE is not in any way related to the form Stone or the sound delivered saying the word STONE. Human language is completely arbitrary with only few exceptions like Onomatopoeic words.
Onomatopoeia - Onomatopoeic words are those words which sound the same as the form. For eg, the word BANG sounds the same when the door hits.
List of Onomatopoeic words :
baa, bang, bark, beep, belch, boing, boom, brring, bubble, burp, buzz, cackle, chirp, chomp, chortle, chuckle, clang, clap, clash, clatter, click, clip clop, clunk, cock a doodle doo, cough, crackle, creak, croak, crunch, ding dong, drip, fizz, fizzle, flutter, gasp, glug, groan, growl, grunt, guffaw, gurgle, hiss, honk, hoot, howl, hum, ker-ching, knock knock, miaow, mmm, moan, mumble, munch, murmer, mutter, neigh, oink, parp, ping, pitter patter, plink plonk, plop, pop, purr, quack, ribbit, rip, roar, rumble, rustle, screech, shush, slap, slither, smack, smash, snap, snarl, snore, snort, snuffle, splash, splat, splatter, splosh, splutter, squawk, squeak, squelch, thud, thwack, tick tock, trickle, twang, tweet, waffle, whimper, whirr, whizz, whoosh, woof, yawn, yelp, zip
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